“DON’T EAT PAPER!” a Finalist at VisionFest, NYC
Dec 9, 2024
My comedy script “Don’t Eat Paper!” is one of 10 Finalists at VisionFest in NYC.

Short Synopsis: Roy is obnoxiously in love with his therapist, Joanie, whose attempt to “fire” her client unintentionally leads to his death, but Roy’s ghost expects to maintain their “relationship”; however, a wild road-trip with Roy leads Joanie to discover her true mission in life.

After all, sometimes dying is the best therapy.
Julius Galacki Presents DON’T EAT PAPER! at the San Pedro International Film Festival
Nov 4, 2024
I drove down to San Pedro for the final night of the San Pedro International Film Festival (for those outside LA, it’s the port for Los Angeles right next to Long Beach, but is only connected to the rest of LA by a narrow corridor so that it feels very much like a different city). The San Pedro downtown can be desolate in some areas but there’s an arts / restaurant revitalization in a few blocks, which is where Collage: a Place for Art and Culture is located and the place for the closing night party and awards.

“Don’t Eat Paper!” remained only a nominee but I did take part in a presentation with the winning screenwriter about our respective screenplays. An unexpected lively Q&A followed where I was asked quite a few questions and even asked for advice for the beginning screenwriter. (I actually could give her some practical advice as I’ve been doing this a while, but it was the first time I’ve ever been asked that question.) I also got to drink some Croatian wine (a sponsor of the festival)… haven’t had Croatian wine since 1987 when I took a vacation there. Next to Collage was a beautiful Art Deco former Montgomery Ward department store from 1930, which has been put to re-use.

My comedy “Don’t Eat Paper!” is also racking up screenplay competition placements
Nov 3, 2024
Spotlight Article about me and “Don’t Eat Paper!” put out by the Houston Comedy Film Festival
Oct 4, 2024
Click on the article title to read the spotlight:“Don’t Eat Paper!”: Comedy in Therapy